Years ago, Daniel Sampson almost dropped out of school because of school fees.

Today he has made millions from the internet

He has decided to teach you how he and his students 

have been making $1000 (N500,000) or more monthly using Ghostwriting Income Generator.

Also included here is how you too can start earning N500,000 or more like us from the comfort of your home.
  • You don’t need to have any knowledge of writing
  • You don't need any degree or certification
  • And you can start making N100,000, N200,000, N500,000, and more…

The year was 2019 and I had just gotten admission

It was just some days to the close of the school fees payment portal for the semester and there was no hope of money from anywhere.

It was certain that I was going to lose this admission or defer it, and that was heartbreaking for someone like me who was naturally brilliant.

Parents? My dad had died nine years earlier and my mom was just a petty trader who still had to cater for 5 of us.

No rich aunt or uncle and now what?

I was about to lose my admission which held my hope for a better future.

I cried so much but I knew I had to do something. Giving up was not an option.

It was within this period that I stumbled on a post that foreign sites do pay for people to write for them.

I saved the post and decided to learn more about it on Google.

I saw that it was real and did not require any particular expertise than just the skill of writing.

I used to write stories and articles for fun on Facebook, so I thought: why don't I just try this out?

I followed the steps outlisted and applied to one of this sites and I got an exclusive contract worth $875 (over N 650,000)

I then tried another site and I got an exclusive contract worth $2,176 (over 1.6 million Naira)

Two years down the line and I have become a multimillionaire from Ghostwriting, making over $20,000 dollars from it.

I have also been able to travel to places of Choice

I have also helped numerous people become millionaires through this system. 

One of them is Noami who went from being a school dropout to becoming a millionaire after joining Ghostwriting.

She officially become a millionaire through the system I showed her

She is not the only one

This is Pantheon who became a millionaire using my system and mentorship

He got 2 contract worth of millions within 3 weeks

Haryinde started recently and already has 800k in the bag.

Here is what Yero has to say 

"I got Daniel Sampson's ghostwriting income generator course in November 2022 , implemented, and got two exclusive contracts worth over a million Naira.
This has to be the best bet for anyone wishing for financial stability within three months. Highly recommended."

Princess Ajayi

Here's Ella, a 17 year old girl who has become a multimillionaire from Ghostwriting

"Daniel Sampson practically changed my life for good. I went from making 15,000 naira per month to making $1,500 per month! Before I joined his mentorship, I had trouble finding gigs and good contracts. However, after I did, and he taught me how to sharpen my writing abilities and how to be a "quality" writer rather than just a "quantity" writer, I have had no trouble finding contracts or gigs since. I've gained more than $4,000 simply from ghostwriting because of him. You should thus join his mentorship because you WON'T regret it if you want to earn as much as I do, if not more."

Ella Chimezie

One of my students who has gone on to do so well… her financial life jas improved so much.

"When it comes to ghostwriting, I don't know a better expert at it than Daniel Sampson. Through his magic hands and mentorship, I went from being broke to earning six figures through ghostwriting. I am now a better writer than I was before he started mentoring me. I highly recommend him for anyone seeking quality and effective mentorship in ghostwriting."

Edidiong-Abasi Francis

 And many more of them that I won’t show here to avoid wasting your time.

Before telling you how you can also start this business model, how to also join this Ghostwriting community and start making money like those folks above.

Let’s do some introduction about who I am, yeah?

My name is

Daniel Sampson

You may have heard of me somewhere in the online money making niche, but if you’ve not- its okay.
I am a 20-year old Internet Entrepreneur who has made millions from the internet.

But before all the money came, I Was Once like you.

Yes, I was Once A Broke And Struggling Student in 2019 and I went through a lot of struggles until Ghostwriter offered me a way out of the life of insufficient funds…

So if you’re in the same position presently or you are just looking for something to do online that will make you a lot of money in the shortest time possible

Then Ghostwriting is for you.

What is Ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting is a broad term. It literally means writing for somebody and getting paid for it.

But the one I'm going to introduce you to today is not any kind of writing.

It is an opportunity where you get to write for some foreign multinational companies and they pay you hundreds to thousands of dollars monthly.

Note: This Is not like Upwork or Fiverr where you search for people to write for.

In this case, you will be working for foreign companies. Big companies. One of them is even owned by TIKTOK.

And a single contract you get from any of these sites give you nothing less than 500,000 Naira

All we do is stay in the comfort of our homes and write daily and get paid hundreds to thousands of dollars monthly.

At this point, you'll surely be asking;

  • How do I know what to write? 
  • What if I can't write?
  • Where do we find these people and how are you sure they are going to accept us?

And that is why I'll be introducing:



You see, with over two years of experience in Ghostwriting

I decided to compile all the tips and tricks you need to know in order to succeed at it into a single digital course.

The Ghostwriting Income Generator course will teach you how to write what these sites want, will show you how to apply and get a contract.

There is no way you implement what is in this course and not get a contract. Imagine working for the same company that owns TikTok? (Bytedance)

How do you know what to write for these sites and what steps will you follow to make sure they accept you?

And this course is fire. It is very effective and Value-packed that practically everyone who has bought and implemented it usually comes back with testimonies.

Here's what Rare Breed had to say about the overload of Value in the course
And Olu Cephas…
And Derbie…

The Ghostwriting Income Generator course was created to teach:

  • A high-end digital skill known as Ghostwriting
  • Access to over 12 sites where you can earn hundreds to thousands of dollars monthly

That's not all. The GIG will also teach you

  • How to write Articles for Opera News. I made over 500k writing Articles for Opera News. The Ghostwriting Income Generator will show you how to do that

"What if you can't write?"

Don't worry, the Ghostwriting Income Generator is for everyone,

We have also included a way for those who can not do the writing by themselves to also earn.

If you are too busy to write, too busy to learn, but you still want that extra income, the Ghostwriting Income Generator will show you how to get other people to do the writing for you while you just sit and earn.

Many of my students have earned 6 figures doing this.

Look at this one below

"What if you don't make money?"

The GIG Course is not a magic wand!!!

It all depends on you if you are willing to take all the instructions and Implement as you're told.

If you do so, I assure you that you will secure a contract and earn hundreds to thousands of dollars monthly.

It requires work and commitment but one thing that makes it different from any other is that:

  • Asking people to bring other people (referrals)
  • Selling to people or asking them to buy anything
  • You don't need too much capital

With this same Ghostwriting course, you’ll be able to earn enough money to

  • Pursue SAPA away
  • Finally, look after your siblings, parents and yourself
  • Fund the lifestyle you could only dream of living up until now..

But the main point is that it’s not a magic wand. You need to put your head down to learn and put in the work.

So if you think that’s too hard for you to do, you can just peacefully and quietly leave this page.

So if you're a:

  • Student
  • Corper
  • Full-time Mum
  • Dad
  • Writer
  • Non writer

Or Anybody at all who wants an extra hustle that can provide at least $500 dollars monthly.

The Ghostwriting Income Generator course is the right course for you.

I am certain it will work for you because it worked for me and others I have been showing it to.

All that established, what exactly does GIG contain?

Here’s a snippet of what you will see in the GIG course:


This module is for those who want to learn Writing.

In this module, I talked about the Art of writing having been a writer for many years.

This module teaches you the concept of writing, what it is and how to write even as a complete newbie..

It introduces you fully to ghostwriting and tells you what ghostwriters do.

I also took it upon myself to include more than 4 applications you can download for FREE that would speed up your learning process.

Everything in this module has been laid out in such a way that it would be almost impossible for you to not know how to write.

Writing has never been easier with the GIG and one of my students affirms that


Remember that we are gonna be writing for foreign sites? There are steps and formats to use when applying to these sites in order to get a contract quickly.

In Module 2, I showed in vivid detail how to write the kind of written works these sites need, how to group them, and many more.


I unveiled 12 foreign sites that can offer you a contract. I showed steps to apply and get a contract quickly.

It is so sure that if you use my format to apply, you'll surely get a contract.

And also, a single exclusive contract can give you up to $1100 which is over N875,000.

Like Prechie who got one


This Module deals with Article Writing.

As someone who has made half a million writing articles for Opera News and many other sites...

I taught you how you too can write Articles and also show you how to earn from it.


And just because I want everyone to make money with GIG, I included a way to earn money without writing.

If you're too busy to write, or you're too busy to learn how to write, Module 5 will teach you how you can get other writers to do the job for you. You only pay them when you're paid by the site and you still take a greater percentage.

Easy money!

And also, you will gain access to me, my top students, and my community filled with Ghostwriting millionaires

Over 900 people cannot be wrong!

How much is the Ghostwriting Income Generator (GIG) course?

Putting everything together from the highly valued Ghostwriting skill to the list of foreign sites to the Valuable community where you meet and interact with millonaires, I can easily choose to charge N100,000 Naira for the course and I would be very justified.

But because the situation of things in the country is tough, I won't be charging 100k

But it will cost you just N20,000 to get the GIG course today.

It's important to know that this course has already been recorded, so when you get access now...

You'll have direct access to the course and the community right away.

So when I reach a certain number of registrations, which I won't tell you, you'll just see that this page is no longer available.

When you open the page again, the price won't be 20,000 Naira anymore.

In Addition to the Ghostwriting Income Generator, you'll be getting the following for FREE as bonus:

  • FREE Lifetime access to my Mentorship worth 50k. People pay me 50k to mentor them but you'll be getting it for free.
  • A free upwork guide for those of you on Upwork worth 20k. This will help you get started on Upwork and secure gigs. (If you are into upwork already)
  • A family support group chat where we will hold your hands step by step through the process. This is worth 100k but you'll be getting it for free
  • Free access to five powerful books that will change your mindset and make you more productive in life. These books are worth N35k combined but I'll be giving it to you for free.
This course is fully packed and has the potential to change your life.

Infact, I included more things that I’m not mentioning on this page because I want it to be succinct.

And you can only find everything when you get the course.

Just click on the button below
So the decision boils down to you.

The ball is in your court.

Do you want to keep complaining of Sapa here and there or you're ready to start earning an extra 500,000 Naira monthly?

The decision is up to you.

Please Note,
Be ready to be learn

You will be spoon-fed everything because it has been pre-recorded with guidance and an active community.

All you need to do is watch these videos and implement them and do the assignments.

So if you are not willing to watch and implement it, please don’t get the GIG course.

Because there’s no way it will work for you.

And you will be taken to Paystack to pay at once.

It’s a secure payment page where you have different payment methods like card payment, bank transfer, etc.

Follow the instructions and pay.

Then you will be redirected to the access page of this GIG course.

See you in the GIG community,
