You’ll Get 5 FREE Bonus Gifts If You Are Lucky, in the…

Unlock your creative potential

2 Days 'RACU' Skill Program
That Made Me N334,000 In Just 3 Weeks
And A Millionaire Later.

I Will Teach You This Skill Too, Just The Way I Taught Over 1,300 Men and Women…

…In a Fast and Easy way and from the comfort of their homes… 

Even those who didn’t have any prior artistic knowledge


One of my students (Maymunatu) even went as
far as saying “Even if someone is drunk, he must understand every bit of it”

And another student mentioned that a 7-year-old kid can easily learn it.

And if you ask my other students about this amazing skill, you’ll always hear similar statements.

Over 1,300 people have enrolled

Warning: Pls stop reading this message and go do something else if you’re one of these 3 people:

You are looking for a quick rich ‘pay 1k get 50k’ ponzi scam.

You can not learn and follow simple instruction

You think you’re too busy you can’t study a simple course at least Once

If you are not one of them, pls read the information I’m about to share with you CAREFULLY.

“The monthly stipend I used to get from my parents would get exhausted before the month’s end.

I often wished I could go home to collect more but I knew I had already been settled for that month.

Life changed drastically for me…

From a ‘Big Boy’ with enough money to enjoy my life in the first two months of gaining admission into A.B.U Zaria,

To a very ‘Broke Guy’ who sometimes had to endure the pain of going to bed on an empty stomach.

It was a bitter reality I had to face.

I realized it was not wise for me to continue to depend on the little monthly stipend I get from my parents.

So I sought out a couple of my friends for advice.

They told me to start a business.


But I had no money.

I later thought of going to learn a skill as an apprentice but I was discouraged.

The skills I could find around were things like tailoring, welding, plumbing and so on which lots of people are already doing.

Plus, I’ve seen a lot of people get disrespected and overused by their ‘Oga’. And after 2 or 3 years, they are still yet to be taught the skill they went there to learn properly.

Things continued to get worse for me until 2019 during the Corona outbreak…

… when I came across this advert on Facebook 👇.


Some EXPERTS would be coming to Abuja to Teach Resin Art & Craft skills.

They said it has a huge potential to make anybody a very nice income consistently.

The training caught my attention. It was something new and unique


I did some research to learn more about it because I didn’t want to get scammed.

Again, I didn’t want to waste my time and money on a skill that would be too hard for me to learn.

But later, I decided to try it out and see.

The training was #70,000 for 2 days.


I rallied around to get the money. (Truth be told, I eventually borrowed it)

I saved up for transportation, feeding, and accommodation to attend the training at Abuja since I was based in Niger State then.

I found the training amazing.

I went back home very happy knowing I had acquired a reliable skill I could depend on, without mopping the floor around for one ‘oga’.

I didn’t waste my time and money.

At home, I continued practicing and advertising my newly founded skills.

To my surprise, I got my first client after 3 weeks of learning Resin Art and Craft.

I was to design the wall of a house with resin which I quickly did.

They paid me #334,000.

That money meant a lot. It made me proud of myself.

I worked for it. Not my parents’ monthly stipend again.


I got more clients who paid me more and more than the first.

In short, Resin Art made me my FIRST MILLION. (It’s still making me a lot of money to date)

I became the oga of myself and self-dependent, working according to my schedule.”

Maybe you’ve heard about me before. But if you’ve not…

My Name is Faysal Ibrahim.

I’m happy to tell you I’m the first Resin Artist from the core of Northern Nigeria. I’m also a Digital Marketing Consultant.

After my first few Resin contracts, I started traveling across some Northern Nigerian states to teach this amazing skill to a few lucky people (males and females, young and old).

Today, I’ve trained more than 1,300 people in one or another aspect of this amazing skill.

I will tell you more about it and other amazing opportunities that can change your life for good.

But first, meet some of my students 👇

Listen to what Sumayya wants to tell you

Another student 👇

Some other students 👇

Now, look at these Resin Interior Decorations, Resin wall decorations 👇






You might think those ☝️ attractive and luxurious Resin interior decorations were designed by some BIG Interior Decoration Companies in the UK or US.


But the truth is…

They have nothing to do with any Giant UK or US company.

They were LOCALLY designed by a lady or a man like you to turn their simple home into a small Paradise on earth.


And some of the few people that have this skill are already making millions from it. 


They’re using it to help rich people turn their homes, factories, hotels, showrooms, and offices into a mini Paradise.

You know rich people can spend any amount to make where they live or do business the talk of the town.


It makes them feel proud and big.

And the reason why they love these resin interior decorations is beyond just the beauty.


Resin interior decorations also extend the lifespan and add more strength to the walls, ceilings or floors on which they are installed.


According to a UK leading interior decoration company, “resin floors can last 20 to 30 years if regularly cleaned and well-maintained”.

And the best part is…

… You Too Can Easily Learn This Resin Art Skill from the Comfort of Your Home.


Yes, I promise.

All you need is to know WHAT To Do and HOW TO DO it.

I explained everything in a simple step-by-step process you will discover in the “RACU” Course.

It is a course that will teach you…

How to Make Cool Money from Resin Interior Decoration of floors, ceilings, walls, and kitchen countertops Plus… How to Craft Beautiful Resin Art Designs of Jewelries and Home Decorative Items… 


  • In a fast and easy way
  • from the comfort of your home 
  • even if you don’t have any prior artistic knowledge
  • Whether you’re a male or a female, you are very young or old
  • Just like my students here 👇

If these people can learn it, why can’t you?


I’ll tell you more about the valuable things you will learn in the “RACU” course in a moment.

But you might be wondering, what is this ‘RACU’ Course?

“RACU” Course is an abbreviation for

Resin Art & Craft Upgraded” course.

This course is an upgraded version of my popular “Resin Art & Craft course for Beginners.”

Where I’ve taught over 1,300 ambitious men and women…

how to make money for themselves creating beautiful resin art jewelry and home decorative items.


All for a small registration fee of #30k.

They learned how to create beautiful necklace pendants, earrings, home decorative items, trays, book covers, wall frames, wall clocks, and lots more like the ones below 👇

But why did I decide to create this digital course called Resin Art and Craft Upgrade (RACU) Course?

Remember I told you earlier that…


I’ve traveled around Kaduna, Zaria, Katsina, Niger, and some other northern states to teach this skill.

Before, I used to train people physically, 1 on 1.

It used to be very stressful for me and the students who came to learn from me.


Moreover, if I continue teaching 1 on 1, only a few people will benefit.

That is not my ambition. I want to help as many people as I can.

After thinking a lot about it, I decided to sit down with some of my best students.


We designed and packaged everything you need to know about making beautiful and expensive jewelry and home decorative items with resin… into a step-by-step digital course.

And now in this upgraded course…


… we have also taken our time to design a step-by-step guide of how to install amazing resin interior decorations on floors, walls, ceilings, kitchen countertops, and tables…

…Like the ones you saw up there.

What Will You Learn in  The “RACU” Course Content? 

The “RACU” course consists of a series of carefully created and easy to understand video guides. It is divided into three sections (A,B & C):


1. The Theory Sections: Where you will learn about:

  • All the material supplies and tools you will need in crafting any of the resin art and craft designs you’ve seen above.
  • The simple step-by-step process you will follow in designing and crafting any of the artworks mentioned above.
  • The personal safety and precautions you need to follow to avoid body reactions from resin chemicals. (Every profession has personal safety measures… Same with resin art and craft)
  • How to determine the exact quantity of resin and the other materials you need for any project you want to work on. (This will help you avoid wasting resources and your money)
  • How to avoid or remove BUBBLES from your work. This is one of the biggest challenges of working with resin for designs.
  • How to add different decorative items to your work to make it very attractive to people.
  • How to polish your work to make it look shiny like glass. This catches people’s eyes. And they won’t want to go without buying what you designed for themselves.
  • How to know how much you should charge for your work. So that you won’t end up charging less than its worth. And…
  • The factors you should consider when placing a price tag on what you crafted.

2. The Practical Sections: Now everything I’ve taught you in the theory sections will now be practicalized for you step by step.

  • You will see how everything is done practically like you are standing in front of me… and we are working 1 on 1 together.
  • The advantage you have here is, you can rewatch or rewind any step you don’t get properly. This is an opportunity the students I used to teach physically before never got.
  • Then…


The Resource Section: This section is a surprise section for you. You will discover that in a moment from now…

We made this course very easy to understand and practice whether  you’re very educated or not.

The best part is…

  • you don’t have to go through all the stresses my 1 on 1 students used to go through.
  • You’ll be learning everything from the comfort of your home, on your phone or laptop. Anytime you want. Anywhere you are.

More testimonies from my students 👇

It seems you are already wondering how much you will pay to learn this amazing skill too.


Ok, Let’s be sincere with ourselves here.

  • Consider how this skill has changed my life today and how it’s changing the lives of my students for good.
  • How will you feel in the next few weeks when you’re now selling your own resin artwork and making your cool money?
  • What about the pride of Knowing you are now a skilled self-dependent resin entrepreneur?
  • A skill you can teach your siblings, children, and friends… or… teach other people and get paid for it too.
  • Plus, you won’t have to go through all the stress I went through to learn it back in 2019… (traveling to Abuja, paying for transport, accommodation, feeding & registration fees.

Is it too much if I ask you to pay me #100k to teach you this skill too?

Ask my former students.


They know that paying that amount is a cheap price for the value they have got from the course so far.

And they are still getting more value till today.

Or do you want me to start exaggerating everything like some online marketers used to do?


Let me try it… Listen

(Hey! You know this course is worth over #500k. Remember I’ve made millions from it. And you too can make #700k, #800k, and above in the next 2 weeks. But because I want to make this course available to everybody struggling to eat 3x a day, I decided to cut down the price to #250k. But if you’re among the first 20 serious people to register in the next 24hrs, I will reduce the price to #100k… BLA…BLA…BLA…)


Did I try? 😆😂

But seriously I think I don’t have time for that.


Compared to the effort we put into creating this course for you, and the valuable skills plus other amazing bonuses you’ll get…


…I’ve made this course so cheap that anybody (poor or rich) who is serious about learning Resin Art Skills can afford it.

But I won’t charge you #100,000 for this course.

The time is hard for most people now. It’s not going to be easy for some people to get #100,000.

So I will only ask you to pay HALF of that price.


Just #50k to enroll for this Resin Art and Craft Upgraded (RACU) Course.

But wait, I’ve been thinking about doing something I did when I first launched the previous (Resin Art & Craft for beginners) version of this course.


Then, I intended to sell the course for #30k. But I gave a few lucky people who first bought it an opportunity to buy it for #20k…before returning the price to the main price(#30k).

It was my way of rewarding fast action-takers.


Now, I want to do the same thing for this  RACU course too.

I want to celebrate the launching of this upgraded course with you.


If you are one of the few lucky people who will first purchase it, I’ll be allowing you to get the course for just #30k.

Yes, Just #30k (keep the remaining #20k)

#30K can’t even buy a bag of Rice today.

But I will teach you a lifelong skill…

How to Make Cool Money from Resin Interior Decoration of floors, ceilings, walls, kitchen countertops and so on.


Plus How to Craft Beautiful Resin Art Designs of Jewelries and Home Decorative Items…

In a fast and easy way, from the comfort of your home, even if you don’t have any prior artistic knowledge

For #30k only

But remember the number of lucky people I intend to give this discount access to is very limited.

If I get that number today, this course will go back to the original price tomorrow.


And if you’re excited already, pls don’t get excited yet.

Wait till you see the other 5 Amazing Bonus Gifts (worth #50k+) you will be getting for FREE…

… just by enrolling for this #30k “RACU” Course today.

You will find them all in the Resource Section C of this course (Remember my surprise gifts for you?)

FREE Bonus Gift #1: Everything You Need, Delivered to You (#5k value)

I see a lot of beginners in resin art and craft baffled by lots of questions like,

* What are the right resin art tools and materials to get as a beginner?

*How can I differentiate quality materials from fake ones?

*Where will I buy quality resin art materials?


But the good news is that you don’t have to worry about those problems if you enroll in the “RACU” course.


I will use my connections to help you.

In the resource section, I will give you the link and contact address of a tested and trusted supplier of resin art materials whom you can buy from.


So you have a guarantee of getting all the quality materials you will need for your work.

And the best part is…

you won’t have to stress yourself, wasting your time and money, trekking the market square (up and down) to find the supplier.


All you have to do is simple.

From the comfort of your house, just click the link provided for you.

It will take you directly to the catalog of the supplier.

Then you purchase the materials you need for any resin art design project you want to work on.

And the supplier will send them to you anywhere you are in Nigeria.

Just to make everything easy for you

FREE BONUS GIFT #2: Exclusive Resin Art Support System (#10k value)

Look at this support group below 👇

It is accessible to ONLY my Resin Art Students who bought this course.

In that support group,

  • You’ll meet other resin art entrepreneurs like you and grow together. (You’ll not be alone in this amazing skill-acquisition journey)
  • There’s always someone to help you out and guide you on what to do next whenever you face any challenge.
  • You will see other members as they craft marvelous resin art designs. They will motivate you & push you to always do better.
  • You will stay up-to-date. Whenever there is a new design idea/challenge, members come together to brainstorm it and learn from one another. This is how we grow together.
FREE BONUS GIFT #3: Mini-Importation Training (#10k Value)

You know Nigerians sometimes prefer foreign products to those locally made, right?

That’s why I decided to equip you with another skill and business opportunity of mini-importation.


An opportunity some ordinary Nigerians are using to buy products at cheap prices from abroad… import those products to Nigeria… and sell them to make 3×, 4×, and 5× profits for themselves.

All from within the comfort of their homes without traveling to China, US, UK, or Dubai

And in a way you don’t get scammed and you won’t spend so much to get your products delivered to you in Nigeria.

FREE BONUS GIFT #4: Sell Like Never Before Entrepreneurship Training (#20k Value)

From my experience as a digital Marketing consultant, one big problem that kills most Nigerian businesses is…

They are not getting enough customers to buy their products/services.

But don’t worry yourself. In a series of 5 video trainings, I will teach you:

  • 7 ways to attract serious customers to your business. Not play-play people. I mean people who are genuinely interested in what you sell.
  • 8 strategies to convert those customers to buyers. And cash in your money.
  • 7 steps to effectively and strategically advertise your products. (See, no matter how good your product/service is, if you don’t know how to effectively advertise it… people will not buy)
  • 8 ways to retain (keep) those customers you already have. So that your competitors will not snatch them from you.
  • What every entrepreneur needs to know if you want to sell far more than you used to.
  • What to do to make people recommend your product/service to their families and friends. (This is very important)
  • Reasons why people might stop buying from you. (Try to avoid them)
  • 3 ‘Demons’ that keep a lot of people broke and unable to accomplish their business goals.
  • How to brand your business to make it stand out in the hearts and minds of people.

(This is where you show your competitors that level pass level)


The only problem is that this particular bonus (video training on how to sell like never before) is not really part of the course.

It’s a special entrepreneurship training on its own.

I only add it to the course to reward people who seriously want to turn their resin art skills and other businesses into very successful businesses.


This means I can remove this bonus any time I want.

As for today, I can still guarantee you’ll get this particular bonus if you register.

But I can’t guarantee tomorrow, next week, or any other day.


So if you don’t want to miss this bonus as part of your “RACU” course Bonus Gifts, I will advise you to enroll today.

Let’s Make A Serious Deal Here…

I know some people are good at delaying things… I don’t know if you are one of them.

So, if you wake up tomorrow or next week to check this page again…

And you see that this course has gone back to the main price of #50k, please promise me you won’t blame me.


Remember I told you I’m only going to allow a few people to get this upgraded course at #30k before increasing the price.


I don’t know if you will be one of these few lucky people.

The only way I can guarantee you being one of them is for you to enroll now while it is still #30k.


If you procrastinate and let this opportunity miss you today, hmm

Only God knows what my story would be today if I had missed the opportunity to enroll in the resin art training back in 2019.

But I thank God I didn’t miss it. And today…

I don’t have to message my friends and family for an urgent 2k

There’s no need to depend on a monthly salary or allowance that may not come on time. If the salary gets paid eventually, most people end up using it to pay debt, with nothing or very little remaining.

No need to run errands up and down for one boss and end up being exploited like a fool.

But the ball is in your court now.

  1. It’s either you allow self-doubt to overpower you and make you close this page now and do nothing. Or
  2. you stand strong to overpower it & enroll for this course today… and start your amazing resin art money-making journey too… like me and my students.

I believe for you to be reading this, you are mature enough to choose by yourself which one can give you the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about for a long time.

And before I forget…

FREE BONUS GIFT #5:  Proof of Professionalism (#5k Value)

You will also get a professional certification in this “RACU” course. This will be proof for you anywhere you go, that you’re a professional and certified Resin Art & Craft Entrepreneur.


You will get all the 5 Amazing Bonus Gifts in the Resource Sections of this “RACU” course if you act fast.


So click the (yellow) button below now to enroll. It will take you to a secured checkout page. Just put your email and Name. Then choose the mode of payment convenient for you. All your information is secured and safe.


Immediately after you pay, I will send the complete Package of Resin Art & Craft Upgraded (RACU)Course to you. You will also get all the 5 Bonus Gifts 🎁 I promised you immediately in the Resource Section.


Enroll now at #30k or pay more any moment from today.


Thank you for your time. I hope you find this message valuable.

Till we meet in the class.

Faysal Ibrahim

(RACU Course Coach/Digital Marketing Consultant)

P.S. Let me summarize all the amazing packages You will get in the Resin Art & Craft Upgraded Course:

  • Full Step-by-step Training on…

How to Make Cool Money from Resin Interior Decoration of floors, ceilings, walls, kitchen countertops and so on.


Plus How to Craft Beautiful Resin Art Designs of Jewelries and Home Decorative Items…In a fast and easy way, from the comfort of your home. Even if you don’t have any prior artistic knowledge”—(50k value)


  • FREE Gift #1: (Everything You Need Delivered to You)

Direct link to the catalog of a tested and trusted resin art resource supplier… to be delivered to you anywhere in Nigeria. (5K Value)


  • FREE Gift #2: (Exclusive Telegram Support Group)

Only for my students… Any questions you have, or any challenge you face, just bring them to the group. (5k value).


  • FREE Gift #3: Mini-importation Training

Buy foreign products at cheap prices, import them to Nigeria, and sell them at huge profit… without leaving your home(10k value)


  • FREE Gift #4: (Sell Like Never Before Entrepreneurship Training)

Get a Series of Exclusive training to help you brand your business and make customers flock to your doorstep. (20k value)


  • FREE Gift #5: (Proof of Professionalism)

Get a professional certification as proof that you are a certified Resin Art & Craft Entrepreneur (5k value)

All valued at #100,000

But Pay only 30,000 now (as a launching discount price)

Or pay more any moment from today

Do You Have A Question?

Here are some of the questions people ask before enrolling for this course

You can purchase any of the material resources you need through the link I provided in the Resource Section of this course.

And it will be delivered to you anywhere you are in Nigeria.

It depends on the project you want to work on. Some projects will only cost you a very small amount of money, while others will cost you more.

What is important is for you to know how to price your work to make a good profit from it…which you will learn in this course.

Every profession has its safety precautions.

You have nothing to worry about resin art and craft as long as you follow the simple personal safety precautions of resin art and craft.

Simply come to the support group provided for the students of this course and ask questions.

You’ll get someone that will help you out.

Some people have used the chance of money-back guarantee to enroll for this course, learned all the valuable information in it… and then come back to ask for a refund.

Hence, we NO longer offer a refund after purchasing this course.

You have seen all the amazing things you’ll learn how to do in this course, Plus all the 5 bonuses you’ll get…

And you’ve also seen how this course has been transforming the lives of many people like you.

So if you’re still doubting whether this course will be valuable or not, or you are the type that will learn but won’t practice it, I think you should just keep your money with you and not enroll…

Because those are the kind of students I don’t want in this course.

I only want those that will practice every valuable information they learned in this course to transform their lives for good.

It’s easy to enroll for this course through the yellow button below
